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How Many kWh Does a House Use per Day?

If you ever wonder how much power your home consumes daily, then you are not alone. All over the world, and most especially in the US, most people tend to wish to know their energy consumption but they have no way through.  It is a dreadful feeling that you get after every month that is full of electricity bills. You will wish to know how much you tend to spend on electricity for every successful month of electricity use.

According to research, the average American household is found to consume up to 900kWh of electricity every month. This translates to 29 or 30 kWh every day. It is quite obvious that the actual electricity consumption in your home can vary from other people. This may be triggered by the kind of lifestyle you enjoy. This is the guide you need to answer the most asked question: How many kWh does a house use?

What is the Average Size of a Home?

The most basic factor that you need to take a keen interest in before you get to know how much you spend on electricity, is the average size of your home. As per the US Census data that was released in June 2021, the media size of a single-family home was found to measure 2,261 square feet. If you compare with homes that existed 50 years prior, you will find that American homes could measure 1660 square feet.

If you now assume that the older homes that were smaller still exist, then for you to find the average size of the American homes, you will have to arrive at 2,000 square feet. You simply have to do this simple mathematics; (2261 + 1660) = 1960.5).

How much electricity does a house consume per month?

Once you are aware of your average home size, you can now freely determine the amount of energy you consume on a daily and monthly basis. With the knowledge of how much power you spend, you will be in the best position to gauge and weigh how much money you spend on electricity bills.

Before you get to know how much power your home uses daily, you will have to know the following measurements:

The difference between kW and kWh

It is worth taking a bold step to first differentiate between how many kW a home consumes and how many kWh your house uses every month. The power that is supplied to every home is usually measured in kilowatts (kW). A single kilowatt is equal to 1000 watts, while a kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy consumption or in other words the power consumed per hour. It is logically correct if you say that a 100-watt lightbulb is capable of running for 10 hours and hence consumes 1kWh.

How many kWh does a house use?

The research done by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in 2020, found that the average kilowatts for every house is 893 kilowatt-hours for every month. This is approximately 30 kWh every day.

Kwh For 2000 Sq Feet Home

The daily electricity consumption of a 2000-square-foot home can vary widely, typically ranging from 20 to 50 kWh per day in the United States. However, this estimate is subject to various factors, including location, climate, energy efficiency, household size, appliance efficiency, renewable energy sources, seasonal variations, and individual behavior. To determine the precise daily electricity usage for a specific home, consulting utility bills or conducting a home energy audit is recommended.

Kwh For 1500 Sq Feet Home

The daily electricity consumption of a 1500-square-foot home can vary depending on aspects such as location, climate, energy efficiency, household size, appliances, and habits. On average, a typical American household uses approximately 15 to 30 kWh of electricity per day. A 1500-square-foot home falls within this range, but the precise daily consumption can be higher or lower based on individual circumstances. To obtain an accurate estimate, homeowners should consider these factors and consult their utility bills or use tools provided by utilities for better energy management.

What Factors Affect How Much KWh Does a House Use?

There are certain essential factors that you ought to take into consideration before you can fully evaluate your home power usage.  Check out the following aspects that this article brings you;

Home Location- Where your home is situated features a direct effect on the working of heating and cooling systems. A good example is if you stay in a cool area, it means that your space heaters will run longer compared to an individual who lives in a moderate climate.

Number and Type of Appliances- The more appliances that you use at your home, is directly proportional to the amount of kWh you use. If at all you desire to reduce energy consumption in your home. This can be achieved by the use of energy-efficient Energy Star-certified appliances.


Home Size- This is quite logically agreeable as you are to expect less power consumption in a smaller home compared to a bigger one. This simply means that if your house is bigger, you will incur much more power costs.

How Many kWh Does A House Use Per State? 

For you to calculate the wattage spent in your house daily you will have to use the median number of kWh every day. The formula you can use in converting kWh to watts is as shown below;

Kilowatts= P (W)/1,000

This means that in U.S. households, an average of 30kW is consumed per day. This average translates to 9,000 kW for every month. Remember, these figures that are used here for the calculation of the U.S. home average of kWh every day are not precisely the same as the ones you will calculate for your home. It is your responsibility to conduct your home audit by making an individual appliance wattage calculation.

Appliances Audit

What makes your home power usage vary mostly is the lifestyle and the frequency of appliance usage. Since a medium size house measures 2000 square feet, electricity consumption is expected to hit up to 30kWh. Here is a helpful survey on how much power most common home appliances tend to use daily;

Washing and Drying machines- Dryers consume watts that range between 1800w to 5000w and washing machines can take up to 500w. This is the wattage usage that you will need if you want to rinse and dry up your clothes and especially if you have got new family or housemates. You are expected to use 3.5kWh for 45 minutes and this will indicate how much you need to spend on that amount of power usage.

Air Conditioning- The whole process of heating and cooling systems requires a lot of power. The amount of power needed by these machines varies depending on the situation. If you employ your air conditioner to be active all around the clock, to enjoy an ideal working environment, you will surely have to expect a huge rise in power usage every day. If you are using a standard air conditioner, it will consume up to 1800w and if it runs for 8 hours, you will have spent a guzzling 14.4 kWh every day.

BLUETTI AC500 + B300S | Home Battery Backup

You deserve an alternate way of ensuring that reduce the daily cost of energy. The use of solar energy is a cleaner most effective and reliable way to ensure that your home is kept comfortable and safe. The BLUETTI AC500 + B300S home battery backup is here to bring you all the energy needs you dream of for a fully modern home.

The BLUETTI AC500 + B300S generator features an expandable power system that will allow you to shift the way you harness solar energy. This solar generator is meant to help you counter power outages and hence allow you to stay connected to power all day long. It doesn’t matter where you are, the AC500 system allows you to charge it any time you wish. You only need a wall outlet and solar panels to plug in. The AC500 allows you to charge up to 8000W input rate.

Apart from saving you from paying scary electricity grid bills, the BLUETTI AC500 + B300S generator is here to ensure that you get similar power delivery and reduce power costs. Thanks to the powerful inverter that offers you a pure sine wave output and also can handle up to 10kW power surge and let every appliance that is plugged into it run as usual.


To sum it up, it is quite important to know how many kW and kWh your house needs for the daily smooth running of your devices. With an understanding of the patterns and amount of power your home consumes daily, you will be in the best position to figure out how you can reduce power costs.

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