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What are Rolling Blackouts? How Long Do Rolling Blackouts Last

You must’ve heard about blackouts and power outages. They are experienced during natural calamities, such as hurricanes and storms, when power lines are broken down. Rolling blackouts are something else. These planned, short-term power outages are designed to restore the supply and demand of electricity in specific neighborhoods, towns, and even cities. 

Frequently, grid regulators implement rolling blackouts due to the disproportionate rise in demand against power supply, which could cause a complete grid meltdown if left unchecked. So, this short-term measure is taken to prevent a long-term power breakdown. 

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If you want to masterfully avoid the adversities of an unexpected rolling blackout, which is usually the case as they are mostly announced, you’ll get every bit of information to “roll with a rolling blackout” in this reading. 

What is a Rolling Blackout? 

Usually announced, rolling blackouts are put in motion by utility companies and power grid regulators to restore the crucial power balance of grids. This coordinated blackout encompasses several neighborhoods, by which one receives a blackout and then the next, as it “rolls” on to the upcoming area. This sequential process significantly reduces pressure on the main grid, preventing the entire grid, district, and city, from plunging into darkness. 

A rolling blackout that eases power load on the main grid usually lasts for an hour or so. But, during emergencies, we’re talking about days, and even weeks, as this happened recently in Texas. 

Average Duration of Rolling Blackouts (2019-2023)

Average Power Outages in Major U.S. States
Year State Average Duration (Hours) Major Causes
2019 California 2 Wildfires
2019 Texas 3 Storms
2020 California 3 Heatwaves, Wildfires
2020 Texas 5 Severe Weather
2021 Texas 48 Winter Storm
2021 New York 4 Equipment Failure, Storms
2022 California 3 Heatwaves
2022 Florida 6 Hurricanes
2023 Oregon 2 Wildfires
2023 New York 5 Severe Weather


Power Blackout

From an administrative viewpoint, rolling blackouts play a vital role in ensuring the availability of emergency services, including ambulances, and fire and police stations. 

What’s the Reason for Rolling Blackouts? 

Rolling blackouts occur because of multiple reasons:

  • They are used as a tool by grid regulators to prevent a full-scale blackout that would last for longer. As grid regulators expect a hike in power demand in certain areas, they cut the power to said areas since the supply isn’t enough to meet the huge demand. 
  • Extreme weather conditions, such as heat waves or snow storms, significantly increase the demand for power. So, to store power for such abnormal situations, rolling blackouts occur beforehand. 
  • Rolling blackouts also occur unintentionally in the case of aged power grids that frequently malfunction. 

Seasons having Most Rolling Blackouts; Are They More Common in Summers or Winters? 

As heat waves and snow storms approach, the demand for electricity skyrockets as the masses use air conditioning and heaters, respectively. Since the power grid can not meet the intense demand, rolling blackouts become the only viable solution.

Mostly, we see rolling blackouts taking place during summers in the United States, however they happen during winters too, as one happened in Texas in as recently as 2021 during a winter storm. This occurrence will be discussed in detail in the next section.

But, rolling blackouts do not follow a seasonal trend; they can be expected anytime, anywhere, so one should always be ready. 

Here’s How California and Texas were Impacted by Rolling Blackouts 

As climate change intensifies, natural disruptions increase. Everyday, we hear about a forest fire raging around California, brutal hurricanes hitting Miami, and unforgiving winters in New York. Climate change, a bleak reality, causes blackouts because it intimately influences the demand and supply of electricity. 

So much so that the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) warned ⅔ of the country to prepare for rolling blackouts in May, 2022. 

Government agencies and officials have long been encouraging the population to purchase power backup systems for their homes and businesses; this crucial purchase is the need of the hour as our livelihood depends on electricity to an enormous extent. 

Rolling Blackouts in Texas 

Texas is not a stranger to rolling blackouts anymore as the state’s power demand has crossed the 75,000 megawatts mark. In 2021, a strong winter storm devastated Texas, causing a colossal demand for electricity as heating was necessary. 

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) announced a blackout in numerous areas of the state, which left hundreds of thousands of homes without electricity for days. 

Rolling Blackouts in California  

California has been a victim of severe heat waves and rising temperatures for some time now, evidently seen by frequent forest fires in the state’s deep wilderness. As demand reached more than 52,000 megawatts to combat the heat by Californians, the Office of Emergency services in California imposed several rolling blackouts across the state. 

How to Prepare for a Rolling Blackout? 

This is the most important part of this reading, so you are advised to pay extra attention. Rolling blackouts are not limited to Texas and California only, they can happen anywhere, anytime given tremendous climate change, lack of electricity supply for substantially rising demand, and aging power grids. 

You should always be prepared for the worst. Our lives are so dependent on electricity that we could potentially die in just a day or two if there’s no electricity to power medical equipment and prevent our food from rotting. 

Here are a few steps to make you and your loved ones blackout-proof. 

The Necessity of Power Backup Systems 

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A power backup system is mandatory to live a sound life in the age of rolling blackouts. Once you install one in your home, you will easily ride out any storm and its aftermath: the rolling blackout. 

BLUETTI’s AC500 + B300S is a one-stop solution to all your power storage needs at a market-leading competitive price. The impressive power backup system has an abundance of features, including the ability to charge it in a multiple of ways, such as 

  • AC Charging (Max. 5000W)
  • Solar Charging (Max. 3000W) 
  • Generator (Max. 5000W) 
  • Multi-Charge (Max. 8000W)

AC500’s Versatile Charging Capability 

The sky's the limit with AC500, as it is completely modular, meaning you can increase your storage capacity up to 6 times! With 6 packs, you can fulfill your household’s power requirements for 6 days at 18,432Wh. And, this includes heavy-duty 240V appliances, such as refrigerators. AC500 is also ideal for outdoor camping trips due to its portability and versatile charging capability. 

AC500’s Modularity 

With a 4-year warranty, Smart App controlling with WiFi and Bluetooth, so many charging capabilities, and 5kW power rating with 10kW of surge tolerance, it’s a no-brainer. 

AC500 + B300S 

Stock Up on the Essentials 

If a major blackout is expected in your area, it’s best to stock up on essential supplies without a moment’s notice because everyone will be after them. Non-perishable food items are the way to go. 

Other necessary items include: batteries, medicines, warm clothes, etc. 

Stay Updated with the News 

Your local utility company should present alerts to its customers. If that’s the case, you need to sign up for them to stay updated. This will give you ample amount of time to prepare and make arrangements for the blackout. 

You should also check in on local news channels and ERCOT for blackout updates. 

How to Prevent a Rolling Blackout? 

Like they say “Every drop makes an ocean,” you can change your lifestyle to a more sustainable one. We can not prevent a blackout single-handedly, but we can at least play our part. 

  • Adopting solar energy is the way to go. It not only annihilates your energy bills, it’s also amazing for the environment and takes load away from the main power grid. 
  • Unplug all of your appliances when not in use. 
  • Adopt cleaner consumption habits, such as recycling and using less water. 
  • Use heavy appliances during off-peak hours; this will minimize pressure on the grid during peak hours. 

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The Best Way to Deal with a Rolling Blackout 

Firstly, there’s no reason to panic as unannounced blackouts usually last for a couple of hours. You should start off by unplugging all of your appliances before the power comes back on because the surge can permanently damage your electrical appliances. 

Unplug and Stock Up on the Essentials 

Never make the fatal mistake of heating your home with a gas stove or oven. The gradual buildup of carbon monoxide can make you nauseous, potentially causing carbon monoxide poisoning. Instead, wear multiple layers of warm clothes. 

It is a good idea to fill your bathtub with water in case the water supply shuts off as well. 


Rolling blackouts are inevitable; their occurrences will only increase in the future as the climate and environment become more turbulent. To mitigate this impending issue, we will have to equip ourselves with backup power systems, for starters. And, always remain on top of the situation by increasing our awareness. 

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