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Solar Battery for Home Energy Storage Buying Guide

Are you looking to buy solar battery storage for your home? Well, with hundreds of options, it can seem daunting to get the most ideal for your needs. While rightly so, there are several aspects you can consider to buy your desired solar battery. Let’s look at these aspects.

What Is Solar Battery Home Energy Storage?

Solar batteries store extra energy produced by solar panels for future use. Without solar battery storage, the extra energy would be sent to the grid. Besides, you wouldn’t utilize the energy at night or when there’s little to no sunlight.

Solar batteries store extra energy allowing you to use it when there’s no sunlight and during blackouts. This can reduce your electricty bill significantly. And if the batteries are fully charged, your solar system will supply the grid with the extra energy.

How Solar Batteries Work?

If you want to take advantage of renewable energy, you must install solar batteries in your house. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC). The extra energy produced is stored in the solar batteries. 

When you want to use the stored energy at night, an inverter converts it into stable AC electricity. AC electricity is more stable and compatible with most home appliances. 

With solar battery storage, you maximize the utilization of solar systems while minimizing your dependence on the power grid. It allows you to reduce your carbon footprint since the conversion of sunlight to electricity is devoid of fossil fuels.

bluetti ac300

Pros and Cons of Solar Battery Storage


  • Reduced energy bills

Since you’ll be generating your electricity, your reliance on a utility supplier will reduce. This means your electricity bills will decrease. Besides, you can make money by selling surplus energy to the grid. 

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint

As you'd expect, solar energy has the least impact on the environment. Converting sunlight to electricity does not produce greenhouse gases. Besides, it does not pollute water, making it the most eco-friendly option.

  • Energy Independence 

Another benefit of using solar batteries is energy independence. This means the energy you create can sustain you even during blackouts. As such, you have zero reliance on the efficiency of the utility provider. You can also choose how much energy you can sell to the grid.  


  • Storage is Expensive

Installing efficient solar battery storage is expensive. A solar system to power an average American home might require two to three solar batteries. This can set you hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention the installation cost. Most homeowners will breakeven after five or more years depending on the system’s size.

  • Increased Maintenance Needs

While a PV solar system might be easy to maintain, adding solar battery storage can increase maintenance needs significantly. If you choose a lead-acid battery, you’ll have to keep the terminals clean and top up water levels. And you have to use distilled water only.

  • Complex design 

Again, a PV system is easy to install, but when you include a storage system, the design becomes complex. And with complexity comes a high susceptibility to errors and accidents. It might warrant changing the wiring system, which increases the installation cost significantly.

Solar Battery for Home Energy Storage System Buying Essentials

  • Type 

The first thing to consider is the type of solar battery. As mentioned, there are four types: lithium-ion, lead-acid, flow, and nickel-cadmium. Of the four, only two are viable for home use: lithium-ion and lead-acid.

If you want a lightweight, efficient, and high-energy-density battery, consider buying a lithium-ion battery. A lead-acid battery is an ideal option if you are on a budget. 

  • Depth of discharge

Depth of discharge is how much energy is used before recharging the battery. The deeper the discharge, the shorter the lifespan. For example, a 10 kWh battery with an 80% discharge capacity allows you to use up to 8 kWh before recharging it. 

Ideally, you want to buy a solar battery that stores reserve energy. Otherwise, it won’t last for extended periods. 

  • Capacity 

Capacity is the quantity of energy the battery can store. Most solar batteries do not operate at 100% capacity. A 10 kW battery with a 90% capacity allows you to utilize up to 9 kW. 

Capacity can also be determined by the electricity produced by your solar panels. As such, it is advisable to purchase efficient solar panels and a fast-charging solar battery. 

  • Battery life 

Another aspect to consider is the lifespan of your battery. And as you’d expect, capacity, depth of discharge, and efficiency after its lifespan. Regular maintenance can also improve your battery’s longevity. 

Ideally, lithium-ion batteries last 10 to 15 years while lead-acid batteries last between one and ten years. 

  • Manufacturer

You want to buy your solar battery from a reputable manufacturer. One of the best options to consider is BLUETTI. They produce some of the most efficient solar storage batteries to power your home. 

Integration with Solar PV Systems

To integrate solar battery storage into PV systems, you’ll need solar panels, an inverter, a battery, and a controller. Ideally, the solar panels and the inverter will be installed on your house’s rooftop.

The charge controller and the battery will be installed inside your home, preferably near each other. You can choose the off-grid or grid-tied system. The former is ideal if you want the solar system to be the sole electricty provider.

If you want to sell extra energy to the grid or use conventional electricity, consider the grid-tied option. When integrating with solar PV systems, make sure to choose the right battery. 

While lead-acid batteries are cheap, they require regular maintenance. Lithium-ion batteries on the other hand are maintenance-free but expensive. Remember to install the battery in a cool location such as your basement. Solar battery storage, especially those made of lithium can overheat in case of improper ventilation.

Finally, you should configure the control to ensure the optimal flow of energy from the inverter to the battery. You can then test the system to make sure everything is working properly.

Types of Solar Battery Systems

There are three types of solar battery systems: on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid systems.

  • On-grid system

As the name suggests, it means that your solar system is connected to your utility’s grid. This is the most popular system as homeowners are covered in case the system under or over-produces energy. 

If the solar system is producing more than is required, it will send extra energy to the grid. This allows you to build credit that you can use if you have subscribed to net metering. An on-grid system also mitigates the need for expensive solar battery storage since the grid acts as your battery space.

  • Off-grid System

An off-grid system means you are not connected to your grid’s power system. Ideally, your solar system is the sole provider of electricity. While it offers 100% self-sustenance, it forces you to purchase expensive and bulky backup systems.

  • Hybrid System 

A hybrid system is an off-grid and on-grid combination. Solar battery storage can provide energy for your home while sending excess electricity to your grid. It can also act as a power backup in case of blackouts. And if your solar panels are not generating adequate power, you can source the remaining from your grid.

BLUETTI All-in-one Home Power Solution


To ensure your home is powered always, you might consider buying the BLUETTI EP900. It provides you with a reliable home battery backup for everyday use. It has a capacity of between 9,920 Wh and 19,840Wh. And thanks to its IP65 rating, you can install it inside or outside your home. 

Thanks to its high capacity, you can sell electricity back to the grid and cash out at the end of the year. What’s more, it is guaranteed to run up to ten years, meaning you’ll break even quite early.


bluetti ac200max

You can also opt for the BLUETTI AC200Max Expandable Power Station. Unlike the EP900, you will not channel the power to the grid. That said, it is ideal for powering many of your electronic appliances.

It is also easy to install, requiring minimal to no changing of the existing PV system. It has a maximum capacity of 2, 048 Wh, making it ideal for devices such as laptops, mobile phones, ACs, and more. And with an app, you can monitor charging and discharging easily. 

BLUETTI AC300 + B300

bluetti ac300b300

Another cheaper option would be the BLUETTI AC300 +B300 Home Battery Backup. A compact yet efficient battery, it has a capacity over 3,072Wh. With a maximum solar input of 2400w, you can rest assured it will recharge within six hours.

And since it comes with many recharging options such as AC, generator, lead-acid battery, and your car, you don’t have to rely on sunlight. This is in fact an ideal option if you have fewer electronics to power.

Government Incentives and Rebates for Saving Cost

To ease the burden of solar installation, the government provides several incentives and rebates. They include the following:

  • Federal Solar Tax Credit

Also referred to as solar investment tax credit (ITC), it reduces the amount of taxes on solar PV systems. Currently, you can claim 30% of the total cost. It is due to reduce to 26% in 2033 and 22% in 2034. If the credit is larger than the tax, it can roll over to the next year.

  • State Tax Credit 

Most states also have solar tax credits. For example, South Carolina has a 25% credit on the total cost of a solar system.

  • Performance-Based Incentives 

Performance-based incentive (PBI) pays homeowners for sending power to the electric grid. The contract can last for months or years.

  • Utility Rebates

Utility companies offer utility rebates to encourage homeowners to install solar systems. The rebates might be in the form of direct cash payment or per-watt or kilowatt-hour.

Final Thoughts

It’s no doubt that solar batteries have revolutionized how we utilize solar power. Gone are the days when homeowners would need many batteries to store extra solar energy. Thanks to the introduction of lithium-ion batteries, several batteries are enough to light your home for hours and even days.

Make sure to consider the brand, capacity, and depth of discharge when choosing a solar battery. For the best efficiency and after-sales services, consider buying from BLUETTI.