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How to Survive a Prolonged Power Outage?

Regardless of the state you live in, power outages are common. They can be caused by technical and environmental factors or human error. While it might be easy to predict when one may arise, a common question that arises is: how long do power outages last? And how do you survive a prolonged power outage? Let’s find out.

How Long Do Power Outages Last?

Power outages can last for several minutes, hours, or even weeks. It depends on the factors affecting the power outage. If it is a natural disaster such as a tornado or hurricane, you can expect a prolonged power outage. Equipment failure can be rectified within hours.

That said, if you know your utility company, you can estimate how long the power outage will last. While not accurate, the following ways can help you predict how long the outage will last.

  • Notifications from your utility company

Most utility companies will have a system that sends notifications to their customers in the event of a power outage. The notification may include the cause of the outage, steps they are taking to address the issue, and how long it may take. This gives you a rough idea of how long you may need to run your backup generator. 

  • Using historical data

While power outages may be sporadic, you may notice a pattern in how long they last. If you can recall the last time the cause was human error or a natural calamity, you can easily predict how long the present outage will last. 

  • Calling your utility company

Another simple and effective way to estimate how long the outage will last is by calling the utility company. Some companies may not have a notification system in place. Fortunately, you can contact the customer service team. They can explain the situation, giving you a rough estimate of how long you might be in the dark.

As you can see, it might be hard to tell exactly how long the outage will last. However, with historical data and notifications from the utility company, you can determine if it will be a short or prolonged power outage.

Common Reasons for a Prolonged Power Outage


So, what causes an electrical blackout to last for weeks or months? Here are some of the common reasons.

  • Severe Weather

In 2022, the United States experienced many power outages due to severe weather. On June 13-14, residents of Ohio, West Virginia, and Indiana experienced wind gusts up to 95 m/h. As a result, over 600,000 households experienced a prolonged blackout. 

Worst still, a following heat wave caused an increase in electricity demand, leading to more outages. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and winter storms are some of the leading severe weather conditions that lead to prolonged outages. 

  • Natural Disasters

Another cause of prolonged electric blackouts is natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, and hurricanes. In recent years, wildfires have caused unimaginable prolonged outages on the West Coast, with states such as California bearing the brunt.

Flooding easily damages sunstations and distribution towers leading to prolonged power outages. They also cause massive damage to ungrounded communication and power lines. Droughts on the other hand reduce the water needed to turn turbines in hydroelectric power plants.

  • Equipment Failure 

Let’s face it, U.S. power grid runs on aging equipment with some surpassing their 50-year lifespan. Most of the equipment cannot manage the present power demand and severe weather conditions. As such, they lead to prolonged outages and damage easily.

Most electric utility companies in the United States are facing many lawsuits for wildfires, death, and losses. Among them are Xcel Energy and PacifiCorp. These companies are accused of using fragile and aging power infrastructure that has caused many deaths and losses.

  • Cyber Attacks

While not a mainstream cause of power outages, most experts warn that it will be in the future. As cyber criminals become more knowledgable, they are more likely to target electric utility companies leading to prolonged power outages. This could be similar to the now infamous Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack.

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How to Prepare for a Prolonged Power Outage?

While prolonged power outages are unpredictable, there are steps you can take to be better prepared. Among them is to have a backup power solution. For this, you can opt for a battery backup system from BLUETTI.

  • Get a Power Backup System

bluetti ep900

For example, the BLUETTI EP900 + B500 Home Battery Backup is an excellent option for an average American household. It can power small and large appliances with ease. And since it is expandable to 19,840Wh, you can rest assured it will serve you throughout the blackout.

The best part? It is IP65 rated allowing you to install it outside your house. Whether it is summer or winter, the unit can handle temperature levels ranging from -20 C to 50 C. and with noise levels of less than 50 dB, you can expect silent operation. 

bluetti pv420

This can be powered by a robust solar panel such as the BLUETTI PV420 Solar Panel. It has a maximum power output of 420W. If you have two or three of this model, you are sure to power your house throughout the outage with ease.

  • Stock Up On Safe Drinking Water

Depending on your water source, you might not have ample drinking water to last you the outage. For example, if you use well water that is electrically pumped, you won’t have access. The same case applies to multilevel apartments.

If you won’t have access to tap water, it is crucial to stock up before a prolonged outage. A person requires 1 gallon of water per day, excluding water for cleaning and cooking. Keep this in mind as you prepare for the next outage

  • Stock Up On First-Aid Supplies and Medication

Since movement may be impacted during a power outage, it is crucial to stock up on medication and have a ready first-aid kit. While medication is prescribed on a monthly basis, we recommend contacting your insurance about filling the most crucial ones.

If you have medical devices that need electric power, consult your doctor for directions. You should also prepare a first-aid kit with items such as bandages, antibiotics, cold compress, thermometer, and pain relievers.

  • Stock Non-Perishable food

When the power outage begins, most people are likely to storm the stores. It is therefore necessary to plan in advance. Buy food that can be prepared during the outage. You may consider buying canned food with a long shelf life. 

The food should be rich in calories to give you much-needed energy. Some of the best options include oatmeal, cereal, powdered milk, beans, rice, instant coffee, pasta, and crackers. 

How to Protect Yourself During a Prolonged Power Outage?

Now that the outage is here, how can you protect yourself and your belongings? Let’s find out.

  • Unplug Everything 

Unless your electric system is connected to a backup power unit, you should unplug everything from their power sources. As the electric utility company works on the system, there might be sporadic power surges which can lead to damage to your appliances. 

It is therefore prudent to unplug all of them. You may leave one light turned on so you can know when the power is back.

  • Use Generators Correctly

Most households may result into using generators. And if this is your option, you should use it in an outdoor setting, especially if you are using a fuel-powered option. Gasoline and natural gas generators produce toxic gases that can harm your health.

bluetti ac500b300s

Alternatively, you can use a solar generator such as the BLUETTI AC500 + B300S Home Battery Backup. The unit has a 5000W rated power and 10,000W surge power, meaning it can power appliances such as refrigerators and dishwashers. 

The generator has a maximum capacity of 18,432Wh, ensuring you can enjoy uninterrupted power supply throughout the outage. With six ways to recharge it, you’ll never go a single day without power. 

  • Avoid Using The Refrigerator and Freezer

Generally, a freezer can keep food fresh for up to three days without power, if you do not open it. If you have a backup power system that can run the freezer, you can open it sporadically.

However, if you don’t have one, we recommend not opening it. Make sure to consume any perishable food within three hours of the blackout. 

What Should Do After a Prolonged Power Outage?

  • Turn On Essential Appliances 

Once the power is back, you should give it time to stabilize since there might be surges once during the first few minutes. Wait for at least 15 minutes before reconnecting your appliances. Do not reconnect them at once, instead, reconnect the most essential first and gradually plug in the rest.

  • Examine The Circuit Breaker

While a rarity, some of your devices might not turn on after a prolonged power outage. If this is the case, unplug the devices and check the circuit breaker. You might need to reset it after a prolonged power blackout. If this does not solve the issue, consider contacting a qualified electrician. 

  • Check Your Refrigerator and Freezer

Make sure the refrigerator and freezer are back on. Also, check the temperature inside your refrigerator and freezer. If they are at the right temperature, the food may be okay to consume. If in doubt, throw all perishable food out. Never taste food to determine if it is safe for consumption.

Keep Safe with Your Family

When you experience a prolonged power outage, you should ensure your family is safe. This is through unplugging electrical appliances, preparing an emergency kit, investing in a backup power source, and storing enough non-perishables. This way, returning to normalcy will be easy.